Wednesday, October 23, 2013

3 John Part 3

Intro -
Read Verse!
Explain verses 1-10
An exemplar is the ideal, a Christian worthy to be imitated. Is it right for a human being to imitate another human being? Yes, if they turn to imitating Jesus Christ “Be followers of me as I am following Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 11:1 and Brothers, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so you have us for an example Phil 3:17.
The true Christian may be described as both being from God (1 John 4:4- “Little children you are from God and have overcome them, he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” And as having seen God, 1 John 3:6- No one who keeps on sinning has seen him or has known him. WE HAVE SEEN CHRIST, not in the flesh but in the power of the spirit. Knowing Christ will transform you. Birth from God and visions of God are similar in this sense. Faith allows us to see him, and faith effects our behavior.
You can see the spirit of God in certain people, and when I need advice and I get biblical advice I walk away from that person feeling stronger and encouraged. By a good example, we can “consider one another to provoke unto love and good works. Hebrews There is goodness in walking as they walk, following in their footsteps.
It is a special thing to have a person like that in the family. A person who is grounded in truth, who walks in the room and u are happy to see them, when they open their mouths it seasoned with goodness and self control. Speaking the fruits of the spirit, with wit and humor. I am one who believes Jesus had a tremendous sense of humor, filled with joy and peace, a blessing to everyone in his presence. I’m sure the same goes for the disciples as well as the missionaries who accompanied Paul. As they traveled on land in through clear and stormy seas they had memories, humor, and a love for life, finding contentment in all circumstances. Imitate such people.
A. Imitating Demetrius the exemplar
We know nothing of Demetrius except what we are told in this one verse, What if your life took up one verse in the Holy Scriptures? What would be said of you?
This is what was said of Diotrephes- Things not to mimic read v 9-10.
This behavior is the embodiment of evil
A. Demetrius had a good report from other Christians in the church.
Good Reputation-
Phil 2:15 “That you may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.
“It is better to die with a good name than to live with a bad one. –Malay proverb
Proverbs 22:1-“A good name is to be chosen rather than riches
B. Demetrius not only had a good word from the believers but from the truth itself. Like Gaius, Demetrius walked in truth and obeyed the word of God. Either of the men were perfect, but they had consistency, unswerving lives of service and work for the lord.
C. Good testimony from the apostle John himself. All three men, Gaius, Demetrius and John were followers of the love and truth (Jesus Himself) and therefore were worthy to be imitated.
There is much good said between the apostles regarding eachother. Gaius was not an apostle but was a fellow worker for the truth.
We know Demetrius is doing well because of his conduct. He is imitating Christ
2. Consistency
Demetrius was not consistent in complaining, but in Godliness, service and love for the church.
Entering a department store, a little old lady was startled when a band began to play, and a dignified executive pinned an orchid on her dress handing her a crisp 100 dollar bill. She was the store’s millionth costumer, Television cameras recorded, Camera bulbs were flashing. The reporter began interviewing and said, “Tell me what is it that brings you here today, and so many times before.” The lady hesitated, then answered “I’m on my way to the complaint department.”
Consistency in following Jesus and his example
Luke 2:52 “And Jesus increased in wisdom, and in stature and in favor with God and man.
A. Wisdom- Relentless study of the text, day in and day out will cause growth and maturity.
“The Bible was not written to you but for you.”
Understanding the context and the outlines of the books will make the scriptures come alive, slowly reading, verse by verse, not looking for a sentence to speak to you but digesting all of the book.
B. Stature- Remember John told Gaius not to neglect the body as he grows in godliness
C. Favor with God- growing in the spirit and in the depths of God.
You shal love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your might. This is the first and greatest commandment
D. Favor with man-
And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
3. That leads us to Imitating Christ
In following Christ there is a path in which you are to tread in his company, and a path has a starting point and a goal. The starting point is justifying faith in Christ, The goal is eternity in heaven. Between these two lies the Christian life, in which the life of Jesus is our pattern.
John 13:13- “Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me teacher and Lord and you are right for so I am. If then, your Lord and your teacher have washed your feet, you also ought to wash another’s feet. For I have given you an example that you also should do just as I have done to you.
No one can follow Christ until he has been redeemed him in faith.
1 Corinthians 2:14- The natural person does not accept the things of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are not spiritually discerned.
In order to follow Christ and understand the word of God you must believe in him, you must give your life to him.
T.T Martin, the great preacher who was stricken almost to death with food poisoning, early 1900’s, moved to Colorado and had mobbs come to hear him preach. He had these three verses written on his gravestone, which were so close to his ministry, and I think they apply here.
John 3:16- For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
Acts 16:31- And they said “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your household”.
John 5:24- “Truly Truly I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me, has eternal life. He does not come into judgment but has passed from death to life.”
1. So in order to imitate Christ you must first believe on him for salvation. Without faith there is no possibility of following his example.
And from there the Christian life will become over time an imitation of the life of Christ.
2. The grace of God will lead you and you will begin following him.
Matthew 11:30 “Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and I will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light
There is no need to earn salvation, it is a gift of God by his grace through faith.
Like Gaius, John and Demetrius we can say this about there lives as they followed Christ.
“ That flower that follows the sun, it follows even on the cloudiest of days, when the sun does not shine forth, the flower keeps the hidden course and motion of it, so the soul that moves after God, keeps the course when he seems to hide his face, it is content, glad in any conditions or wants.
Final Greetings
Christians are glad to see one another, especially after long periods of absence. And John was making it clear that there are many things to say to Gaius, but face to face is best.
The friends sent their greetings. What a blessing to have Christian friends. Having assurance in Christ will enable you to be a friend maker. Having a strong foundation in Christ will enable you to be yourself more and attract more people to you for spending time and also for biblical advice. If you are a student of the Bible you are a certified councilor, you are fit to serve and to help all types of people from here and around the world.
Diotrephes had fewer and fewer friends but John and Paul were able to make scores of friends by sharing the love of Jesus Christ being confident in him.
John was not concerned with a church only, not even the size of the church but with each individual in that church.
It is appealing to balance the two letters of 2 and 3 John to see the balance of truth presented. 2 John was written to a godly woman about her family, 3 John was written to a godly man about his church. 2 John is about false teachers coming from the outside, 3 John is about proud believers and false teachers found on the inside.
John is Loving the church “Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ.
To claim to love the truth and hate the brothers in the church is ignorance of true faith. When the pastor, the elders or the people become proud the holy spirit is grieved and he cannot bless. The church may outwardly appear successful but inwardly it will lack unity, it will lack the spirit that makes it a true fellowship.
A church is not judged based on its size, but on the changed lives of its people.
Would John see them again? No doubt John had heaven in mind
Hold loosely all things not eternal
V 1-4Truth (Justification),5-8 Service, (Sanctification), 11-15 Face to face (Glorification)
Heavenly-minded people, People with hearts set on eternity. People gather who have Christ in common, face to face. Loved ones, far and near. In a world of holy love, a world where all things are new, a place of friendship.
1 John 3:2 “We shall see him as he is” And perhaps when we see Jesus face to face, after we marvel we may think to ourselves, I wish that I had trusted you more.
1 Cor 2:9 “But as it is written, What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, What God has prepared for those who love him. These things he has revealed to us by through the spirit, For the spirit searches even the depths of God.
The Hebrew greeting, given new meaning by Jesus after the ressurection
“Jesus came and stood among them saying peace be with you. (John 20:19).
Gaius would have needed peace because of the rift in the church Diotrephes was causing.
George Morrison of Glasgow wrote “Peace is the possession of adequate resources. The believer enjoys the peace of God because he has adequate resources in Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7,13. 19. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God which transcends (Surpasses) all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
And in the midst of strife, John was reminding Gaius the peace that he has in the storms. He has Jesus as a resource, the only resource he needs.
We need more people like Gaius and Demetrius and fewer like Diotrephes.
Be Imitators of the good, Imitators in Christ, follow steadily, not for days or even years, but press on press on to glorify God into eternity.

3 John Part 2

3 John Part 2
Intro- Review previous verses
When the books are opened, there will be hosts and hosts of names of people that made great sacrifices that have been unknown to us.
Does anybody know the preachers that where preaching when John Owen or Charles Spurgeon came to faith? Does anybody know the great sacrifices the men that Gaius was supporting where able to make for the kingdom of God.
Our military men go out and protect our country, serve and defend and aside form those in our family, many of us have no idea who they are. And occasionally we might see a thank our soldiers poster and we stop for a moment and move on. But we were not there the mornings they packed up there clothing to leave for a boot camp, leaving husbands and wives, fathers and mothers in the middle of the cold night in order to serve and protect. Oftentimes these men are going with one purpose in mind, wether it is to wage war or to serve and defend some never make it home again. And such is the case with missionaries who travel to Europe, Africa, South America, sometimes Antarctica, Asia, Australia and North America who oftentimes for the sake of the gospel never come home again either.
They live for a purpose that is greater than themselves.
And such is the case of these missionaries. Gaius was using what he had to send more of these Christians out into the world , but they need somewhere to go. In the first century there were no best westerns or Ritz Carlton’s and so traveling preachers depended on fellow Christians to lodge them and feed them and even sometimes offer them clothing.
A. Support
1. Hospitality
Hospitality- A friendly or generous reception of guest, visitors and strangers
From the Latin- hospitalitas- see hospital
Gaius – using his resources to benefit others, not once or twice but year round, day in and day out.
Romans 12- Marks of a true Christian-
Let love be genuine, Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection, Outdo one another in showing honor, Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints, and seek to show hospitality.
Biblical examples of hospitality
1 Peter 4: 8-9 “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.
Genesis teaches us that Laban’s hospitality was rewarded by finding a faithful servant for himself as well as a husband for his daughter, and the Lord’s blessing on his house. (Gen 30:27).
Rahab received the spies and offered them protection and was repaid abundantly in the preservation of her life as well as her families lives. Joshua 6:22
Martha and Mary gave Jesus a welcome into Bethany, being honored by his teaching, witnessing their brother Lazarus rise from the grave. (Luke 10:38-42).
The majority of young Christian’s spend more money on Christian books and Music than they do feeding the poor. In regards to Gaius sending and showing hospitality, this included briefly the care for the widow and the orphans.
James 1:27- Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the father is this, to visit orphans and widows in their affliction
John 14:18- Jesus promises the holy spirit to his disciples by saying “I will not leave you as orphans I will come to you.
What if an individual Christian couple showed the love of the holy spirit to an orphan by taking him or her in, maybe not for life, but for a season. Organizations that have us send off checks are useful, but what does this do in the categories of interaction?
The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and expecting different results. What if instead of doing the same things we did different things?
There are political battles in courts today dealing with homosexual couples adopting orphans. In some American counties and cities more homosexual couples are bringing in orphans than is the church so desperate to have families.
"The Blind Side" depicts the story of Michael Oher, a homeless youngster from a broken home in a ghetto, taken in by a family who helps him fulfill his potential. At the same time, Oher's presence in the families lives leads them to some insightful self-discoveries of their own. Living in his new environment, the teen faces a completely different set of challenges to overcome. As a football player and student, Oher works hard and, with the help of his coaches and adopted family, becomes an All-American offensive left tackle.
Why not? Why not your family?
Maybe we can’t change the world, maybe we may not be noticed, but we can certainly change somebody’s world. Some orphan, a child with no parents.
Support of pastors and missionaries, pastors and the oppressed
1. Jesus Himself was dependent upon others for support as He went about preaching - Lk 8:1-3
2. In sending out the twelve disciples, He taught that "a worker is worthy of his food" - cf. Mt 10:5-10
3. In sending out the seventy, He said "the laborer is worthy of his wages" - cf. Lk 10:1-8
1. John wrote of Gaius: "Beloved, you do faithfully..." - 3Jn 5
1. John said of those who had received Gaius' hospitality that they "...had borne witness of your love..." - 3Jn 6a
2. We demonstrate that we are keeping that "new" commandment first given to us by the Lord Himself - cf. Jn 13:34-35
1. John makes reference to sending such ministers on their journey "in a manner worthy of God" - 3Jn 6
1. The ones Gaius was encouraged to support were those who were"taking nothing from the Gentiles" - 3Jn 7
a. This likely means they would not solicit support from the unsaved
b. Depending instead upon their brethren
2. When ministers of the gospel solicit help from those lost
souls they are trying to save, it sends a bad message
a. Perhaps the ministers are in it just for the money...
b. If what they taught was worth anything, why don't their own
followers support it?
3. When the gospel is offered free of cost, being supported
whole-heartedly by those who know it best, it can be a
powerful testimony of the value _we_ place on it!
Exchange of material things for spiritual things considered reasonable by Paul in 1Co 9:11.
1. As co-workers, we will one day enjoy the same rewards Mt 10:40-42
So they were strangers for the same cause,
Why extend generosity-
1. Same father
2. Stand side by side in the gospel
3. Same Jesus
As a Christian you will have more in common with these “strangers” for the cause of the gospel than with your own family members who do not believe. You may travel to China or to Africa and have more in common with a complete stranger because of the gospel.
Once you meet Diotrephes in the upcoming verses, you might understand this verse better. The Christians were returning to the senders and saying you need to meet Gaius. He lodged us, fed us, gave us money when we left.
Hospitality and generosity are lessons we need to learn every other week it seems.
Hebrews reminds us in 13:2- Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
And in the words of Jesus we are serving him
Matthew 25- I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and u welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and u came to me.
Disciples said when did we do such things?
45. Truly as you did for one of the least of these, my brothers, you will do it unto me.
Gaius is treating the strangers as he would treat Jesus.
V6B- you would do well to send them out in a manner worthy of God
John encourages him to continue sending and continue serving.
Your faith today may be a direct result of what Gaius was doing?
2 Corinthians 4:5- For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves servants for Jesus’ sake.
Some are using “godliness as a means of great [financial] gain” (1 Timothy 6:5).
But like the Apostle Paul, we don’t want to be viewed as “peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity” (2 Corinthians 2:17).
In fact, Paul purposefully refrained from legitimate forms of financing his mission in order that the gospel might not be obscured by any misinterpretation of his motives.
Ministries like Desiring God and Grace to you make it a habit to give away free materials or to sell materials at half and sometimes more than half price in order to proclaim the truth to more people.
Many Pastors put weekend sermons up on the internet for free listening to anyone who would seek to hear the messages.
2. Testimony
David Livingston- “Send me anywhere, only go with me, lay any burden only sustain me, sever any ties but the ties that bind me to your service and to your heart, through it all the words of God came to him, lo I’m with you always, even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:19
David Livingston packed his bags and left for Africa where his wife accompanied him place to place until their children began dying out of sickness and disease. Livingston sent his wife home where letters of love took months to exchange. The next time he saw his wife was not 5 weeks, not 5 months, but 5 years later. Mary did not recognize Livingston, he had run into the branch of a tree that blinded him in one eye, the African sun roasted his face and his body. His shoulder had been torn by a lion. When he attended universities he would receive standing ovations because the students were in the presence of a giant of a man. Livingston went back on his lonely journey to preach to the African people, when his wife joined him she contracted disease and he buried her. Livingston had either run out of his medication or someone had stolen it when Henry Morton Stanley, press reporter approached the praying man. He said 1 I am the biggest atheist you will ever meet so don’t try and convert me 2. I have your medication. Traveled 4 months and he converted, 2 volumes Livingston of Africa.
High temperatures and pain, trembling, need to go home. Please help me onto my knees for prayer. Walking over towards him, Livingston fell over he was dead, dying the way he had lived. He didn’t sell his soul for earthly pleasure.
Or should I mention Owen, who despite losing 11 children he preached on and wrote volumes for the glory of God
Harry Ironside who died while on a preaching tour in New Zealand
Melvin Trotter- who escaped drunkenness to set up sixty seven rescue missions for the down and out from Boston to san Francisco.
William Booth- who began the East London Chrsitain Revival society, better known as the salvation army.
Robert Moffat- left at 21 for cape town Africa, spent 51 years on the mission field losing 3 children in infancy, leaving 5 more as missionaries, Mary his oldest was the wife of Livingston whose story I mentioned moments ago. His work opened up the floodgates of African missionaries including Livingston, setting up seminaries for natives to learn the gospel and share with their own.
The same goes for Hudson Taylor in China.
Churches are stronger there today then in America as a result of these men sacrificing “For the sake of the name”. What are you doing for the sake of the name?
In taking what you have you are involved in the endeavor.
These mentioned above went out not for the sake of themselves, but for the sake of Christ.
The name above all names
Acts 4:12- And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name given under heaven given among men by which we may be saved.
B. Opposition-
Read v- 9-10
V9- He refuses to receive an apostle, idiotic. Pride and self-glorification!
V 10- He lied about John – Talking lies behind the back of John. Making a fool out of himself talking about an apostle, the people knew it was foolish.
In the gospel ministry there will always be opposition.
1. Putting himself first, “having nothing to do with us”
Diotrephes wanted to be the boss, Church is not a business. The pastor is not a Madison avenue tycoon, he is a servant.
Wierzbe says to many pastors are holding wireless cellphones and not towels, having a love for self rather than a heart for the lost. Caring more about who the church is bringing in rather than who it is sending out. His motive was not what will this do for the kingdom but what will this do for Diotrephes.
2. Gossiping maliciously
What id your mic was on all the time?
Filter your reports through Phil 4:8- “Finally, whatever is true whatever is noble think on such things.
Talking wicked nonsense
3. He refuses to welcome the brothers
Refuses to be hospitable or to make any sacrifice.
Remember Christ made himself nothing while Satan tried to make himself everything.
4. Putting the brothers out of the church
Using the discipline of the church in a wicked manner, protecting himself at the expense of others. Diotrephes was putting members of the church out because they were siding with the Apostles authority. Guilt by association.
When we have the spirit of both Gaius and Demetrius who we will met next week, others will come and tell of our testimony’s.
The Solution-
John will simply go and “call attention to what he is doing”. John again shows the character of Chrsit that sinners not be condemned, but that they come to repentance.
Romans 14:12 “So then, each of us will give an account of himself before God.
His name is sketched in the word as a result of his conduct, what would your name be sketched as?
The grace of God will allow our good works to add up
Sermon collection
C. Conclusion
Allistair Begg illustration
Plaque on a wall in the caves below an island off of the coast of the United Kingdom- woman of the compassionate society to the members of the RAF- we send out love- 56 mittens, 27 socks, 45 flying helmets, 15 sweaters…….
I wonder who those woman were- airmen flying were secure and warm by an unknown, just a knitter. There is no such thing as just a knitter when your hands are freezing at high altitudes. Or just a flying helmet when your being shot at by the luftwaft.
1. The woman believed in the cause of the men as they faught to stop Nazi Germany and the christians believed in the message these warriors were sending out.
2. They have no other means of support
“As it is written, “Whoever gathered much had nothing left over, and whoever gathered little had no lack” 2 Corinthians 8:15

3 John Part 1

3 John “Walking in Truth”
Sep 1966, worst case of mono imaginable, tonsils big as lemons, unable to breath, 3 weeks in the wheaton center, pre med student, turned on the radio and Harold John Ockenga (died in 85) 2oo yards to the west. The way he handled the bible, changed everything. Girlfriend came in 41 years, there isn’t going to be a Dr. Im going to seminary I’ve been called by God. Ockengaye. Piper never met, never met him never knew he would be a preacher. Unknown significances, in this life we never hear about, always God is doing more than u think!
As we look at the life of the apostle John, we can see a transformation. Throughout John’s 3 epistles we notice that he speaks of contrasts regarding darkness and light, or from lies to truth, a transformation he would have noticed in his own life. Would John have known the impact his letter might have had throughout history and into eternity.
2. Intro and Background
3 John is short, taking up an ordinary sized sheet of papyrus. The letter I suggested to have been written in A.D 80 but it may have been written earlier with 1 John in the 60’s or 70’s.
The main emphasis of 2 and 3 John is on truth and false teachings. In the ancient world many teachers would come in the name of missions and teach false doctrines to people in the area. John challenges the churches in 2 and 3 John to love but t also discern and condemn false teaching while continuing to offer Christian hospitality. 2 John was written to the elect lady concerning false teachers and guarding from offering hospitality to those who are ruining the faith.
Perhaps this letter seemed to be useless to us today, a mere 15 verses, sent out over 2,000 years ago. And there are those of us that feel our lives and this letter have so much in common. In a minute we will look at what God can do with a small book like John, but what about your life, what significance does a small life have, or perhaps a small beginning?
A fisherman was drawing up a net, which he had cast, into the sea, full of all varieties of fish. The littlest insignificant fish managed to escape through the meshing of the net while the other larger fish were unable to escape. Aesop’s fables.
Everything that exists has a purpose based on it’s existence. Some of you, although you may feel small and insignificant now are created with dignity and have a purpose similar to this small epistle.
Christopher Columbus was the son of a weaver, Homer was the son of a farmer, Whitefield was the son of an innkeeper at Gloucester, Shakespeare was the son of a woodcutter, Vasco de gamma was just a sailor, Abe Lincoln was a rail splitter, Napolean finished 42nd in his class at military school, Booker T Washington was a slave, born to slaves. Coca cola was made in the kitchen of a broken down home, Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team, Mark Twain was thrown out of his house and John Mc Donald, Canada’s greatest statesman, his father sold scotch whiskey on the streets.
Who might have thought that this small letter, just 15 verses in the English, would have been inspired by God and would have been ministering to Christians for 2,000 years? No work for God will ever go unnoticed by him. Even the smallest accomplishments and pains we take in the ministry, although maybe not recognized by man, will be noticed and used by our God.
God in his ordinances is concerned with a certain small letter. Our small ordinances fall within God’s mighty care.
Example 2- Epaphras – Plants a church in Colossi, where there is false teaching, legalistic religious festivals and angel worship. What in the world was Epaphras doing there? Paul writes the letter to the Colossian church, God inspires it and now it ministers to people around the globe and throughout eternity.
Small letters like 3 John as well as your small acts of faith, service and worship are noticed and used by God’s in ways we will not know until we arrive before the throne for our rewards.
v 1- The elder, the beloved Gaius whom I love in truth-
elder- presbuteros- identification similar to that of 2 John. A much aged John would have considered himself a father figure to those Christians under his care, This is common amongst the apostles and in the examples of Paul.1 Cor 4:14- I do not write these things to make you ashamed but to admonish you as little children. 1 tim 1:2- To timothy, my true child in the faith. 2 tim 1:2- TO timothy my beloved child. It is clear throughout the text that Paul was setting up governing elders in the churches he had planted, this is were we get the term Presbyterian which means there is a certain class of officers within each of these churches, John would have been a special class over the churches in 2 and 3 John.
Who is John
The name John is from the Hebrew “yahochanan” meaning God is gracious. Throughout the scriptures of the New Testament we see just how gracious God is to the apostle.
He is the son of Zebedee and Salome, who was perhaps the sister of Jesus’ mother (Matt 27:56, Mark 15:40) and is traditionally known as the disciple whom Jesus loved. He is the author of the fourth gospel as well as 1-3 John and Revelation. He was more than likely 10 years younger than Jesus and was partners with Peter, James and Andrew in the fishing trades.
John would have accompanied Jesus to Galilee, witnessed his miracle in Cana (water into wine) becoming a member of the inner circle of the twelve that is Peter, James and John. He witnessed the transfiguration, (Matt 17) and was in the trio that accompanied Jesus to Gethsemane. John and James would have been known as the “sons of thunder” because of there over zealous temperaments.
A. These men were not larger than life rather human beings just like you and I. Throughout the gospel of Mark we can see how foolish the disciples could be at times.
Let’s take a quick glance at the bloopers in John’s life before 3 John.
The only direct utterance attributed to John in the gospels is found were he wants to rebuke a man casting out demons who is not following Jesus. (Luke 9:49).
Most famous of all is the instance were the sons of thunder volunteer to call down fire from heaven on villages in Samaria that would not receive Jesus (Luke 9:52).
Lastly, John and James rashly asked their mother to request that Jesus grant them the most honored seats in heaven. (Math 20:20).
As we look at the letter of 3 John we can see a definite transformation in the life of the apostle, a transformation that does not come by will of the flesh but by a transformation of the spirit.
Who is Gaius?
The New Testament knows a number of men named Gaius. There is a Gaius of Macedonia, who together with Aristarchus was seized in Ephesus (Acts 19) There was a Gaius who accompanied Paul on his last trip to Jerusalem Acts 20, Finally there was a Gaius in Corinth in whose house Paul lived while writing to the Romans.
Gaius was a common name in Rome and would have been like Mike in America today. It is not sure which Gaius this is but one thing is sure, he was a dear friend of John’s, united in truth and therefore in a supernatural love. Throughout this letter we see that the church was becoming more and more an outpost of heaven.
2. Beloved, I pray that all will go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.
The Latins abbreviated this greeting to SVBEEV or “Si vales, bene est; ego valeo” If you are well, it is good I am well.
John was explaining to Gaius that he wished his physical health was as good as his spiritual health not mentioning his suke or soul because he already heard it was in good form. Another mark of Christian love is the evidence of well being on the soul.
Interesting verses-
1. Spiritual growth and self mortification or denial
2. Physical prosperity , being healthy wealthy and wise is not always a mark of spiritual progress and christians are not always promised health and success, Physical prosperity is not a measure of spiritual health, nor is its absence a hindrance to spiritual progress. Often times the suffering are the ones with the purest worship. In this case John was praying safe health to a brother in truth.
3. The main point is that we are not supposed to neglect either but are to maintain a balance. 1Tim 4:8- for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and the life to come. Obsession with vanity and bodily form can lead to self righteousness and sin and spending more time in the gym than you do about spiritual matters is dangerous, but neglecting the body completely is wrong as well and it is a lack of self control.
The change in John- Mentions love 3 times before the middle of verse 2
The scriptures do not leave us with a foolish John but a disciple who was the only one present at the crucifixion of Christ being assigned with taking care of Jesus’ mother by Jesus himself. In John 20:8 he looked into the empty tomb and saw and believed. He was present at post resurrection appearances, and was with the church at the day of Pentecost. John is referred to by Peter as a ‘pillar in the Jerusalem church” Gal 2:9.
John is the only disciple to not die a martyrs death being exiled to the island of Patmos for preaching the gospel were he writes the book of Revelation.
Although John grew in peace and love and humility, he never did lose his thunder. Throughout the epistles of 1-3 John we read “everyone who dishonors Christ is a liar”, everyone who runs to sin is a child of the devil and he forbids Christians to even extend salutations to the antichrist. This is evident in his life long fight for truth.
4. For I rejoiced greatly when the brothers came and testified to your truth, as indeed you are walking in truth.
2 John: 4- I rejoiced greatly to find some of your children walking in truth just as we were commanded by the father.
Gnosticism- Coming from the work Gnosis or knowledge, a form or mixture of hellenisistic philosophy, Judaism and some Christianity, it was a form of an imperfect god. Mystic, revealed esoteric knowledge, the lost gospels or the gospel according to Judas. The Mary magdelene we never knew. All information you need about Mary is in the scriptures but people turn to lies and fallacies like Judas knowing he was to betray Jesus. All matter is evil. This teaching was permeating the church and hurting all under its grip.
Postmodernity – There is no truth, truth is oppressive and we cant know anything for sure.
Solomon says “Buy the truth and do not sell it” (Proverbs 23:23)
“the church is the pillar and ground of truth” 1 timothy 3:15
“Ultimate truth is an objective reality, Truth exists outside of us and remains the same regardless of how certain individuals perceive it. Truth is fixed in the same way that God is immutable” John Macarthur the truth war
Growing epidemic where chrsitians are not speaking out against false teaching and apathy. Remember that a good majority of the New Testament was written to guard the truth. And Jesus himself rebuked the churches in Revelation 2-3 because they tolerated false teachers. Chrsit demands that we guard chrsitians against false teaching.
Truth mentioned 4 times in first 4 verses, Love mentioned 3 times. Christ is the message John was portraying to Gaius, Christ is the combination of both love and truth.
“I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me. (John 14:7)
If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. (John 8: 31-32).
Jesus before Pilate
“For this reason I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of truth listens to my voice. Pilate said to him “What is truth?”
Gospel (New)
Gaius understood that the truth is not secret, he lived in such a way that people went and spoke of his good conduct. This is our goal.
5. For I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in truth.
In a letter that might prove sorrowful, John emphasizes joy, joy that his child that he raised in the faith is walking in truth. Above all, Gaius is walking in love, demonstrating hospitatlity to missionaries and fellow Christians. John commends Gaius for his service, his service that is still bearing fruit even now.
God will take your life, maybe a small sermon over a radio that made a John piper. He will take your dark life and transform it into light. He will take this small epistle, just 4 verses tonight, imagine what he can do with all 66 books? Give your lives to Jesus.

Christ was Humiliated

Christ was Humiliated

27 Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the governor's headquarters, and they gathered the whole battalion before him. 28 And they stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, 29 and twisting together a crown of thorns, they put it on his head and put a reed in his right hand. And kneeling before him, they mocked him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!” 30 And they spit on him and took the reed and struck him on the head. 31 And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the robe and put his own clothes on him and led him away to crucify him.

In high school, if you had lined up some denominations of the Christian church, I'm pretty sure that Presbyterian would be far last on the list. It appeared boring, frozen and lame. However, after studying the different views on church government and baptism, Presbyterianism is the clearest and in my opinion most biblical. With that said, as Spurgeon says, I am a Christian first and I don't use my beliefs in how I attend church and worship to look down on others. (Rom 2). Learning about the doctrines of grace, the holiness of worship, and the accountability of elders has led me to a deeper appreciation for the denomination and it has helped me to move from playing games with God to approaching church as "other" and transcendent. Or in the words of RC Sproul, moving from the profane to the holy. 

When I first began attending different churches I didn't feel much accountability. It was as if I could go and leave and nobody knew who I was or what I was involved in. It's not that I was searching for new churches but I was learning more about the grace of God through the doctrines of Grace or what the Bible would call predestination. I also learned about Dr. Sproul's illustration about what happened to him as a college professor regarding papers turned in late. Students that hadn't turned in papers for three quarters received grace and after the 4th quarter they hadn't turned in the paper and he gave them justice at which point they said the justice was not fair. After being a teacher for almost 7 years now I know all to well how students can get comfortable as the semesters go by and as humans we expect grace rather than view it as unmerited favor. After growing in my faith and my understanding of what grace really is, especially in comparison to an absolutely holy God, I'm beginning to realize what I actually am and what man is before the redemption found in Christ. I can relate to Peter when he cried for Jesus to depart from him and Isaiah when he came to terms with his wretchedness. And all too often Pastors and Christian truly believe they have grown in there faith to the point that they are spiritually flying over most of the world. We all need to remember the man who walked side by side with Jesus for years and denied him three times. One denial was to a little servant girl. The point is, we are weak, frail and unable to follow Christ or not fall into sin without his restraining grace. 

With all that said, I deserve, because of my sin, to receive absolute justice and ultimately to be utterly humiliated. I am Korah, I am Absolom, I am Cain, I am Esau, I am Saul, I am David and I have the heart of Jezebel, Delilah and Mary Magdelene when she was filled with 7 demons. I am Noah when he was drunk, I am Abraham when he was a liar, I am Jacob when he lied to his father and I am Joseph’s brothers. I am the people that God commanded Joshua to kill and I am the Romans who put Christ on the cross. The truth is that I am utterly and completely filled with sin. Therefore, I deserve the justice that those students in Dr. Sprouls class deserved but to the scale that God would issue it. Ultimately, God is so good that he would give me the justice just to the level that I deserve it and the punishment would be forever. And with that said, Christ offers adoption to me by the blood of his cross. I believe he was born of a virgin, kept the law perfectly, was crucified and died on the cross that I deserved to be on and after three days he rose again. I also believe that without the resurrection there is no hope for mankind and our only hope is to return to the dirt. I don't believe we return to dirt, I believe we will live with God in eternity because that is what we were made for. 

Christ offers second chances to those who don’t deserve them. But he didn’t stop there. Philippians 2 reminds us that Christ, in humility, became man. So that is ultimately were his humiliation began. He took on the form of a servant, born to a peasant family and he came into this world in a manger. He became obedient to the point of death. When I encountered church done the way that it is supposed to be done and realized God is holy and that I owe him my worship because I am deserving of Justice but he offers me grace, this passage hit me right between the eyes.
I DESERVE TO BE HUMILIATED because of who I am and yet…..

CHRIST WAS HUMILIATED FOR ME. When the Romans took Jesus into the headquarters they didn’t just gather a few men but the entire battalion of men. And in the presence of the entire battalion they stripped him down and they put a robe of royalty on him. Mocking him for his claim to be the king of the Jews and twisting a crown of large thorns they pressed it into his innocent head. They put a scepter in his hand and kneeled before him before they, not one man but all of them, spit all over him. They struck him on the head and led him away to be hung on a piece of wood. This is what the sinner deserves but because of Christ’s great love for his church he was utterly humiliated so that we don’t need to be.

The woman caught in adultery, the woman at the well, the woman with a bleeding issue, the Roman who nailed him to the cross and came to faith, the thieves on the cross, the very mother of Jesus herself because of her sin deserved to be humiliated, and yet Jesus did not come to condemn, but to be humiliated and save. What love is this that though we were still sinners Christ died for us? Romans 5:8 and what love is this that although I deserve to be humiliated Christ was humiliated so I don’t have to be. He is completely innocent.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

3 amazing conversions

    1. Conversion of St. Augustine

There were several significant rational turning points in Augustine's life before he came to Christ. First, was reasoned out of Manichaean dualism. One significant turning point here was the success of a young Christian debater of Manicheans called Helpidius (see The Confessions).

Second, Augustine reasoned his way out of total skepticism by seeing the self-defeating nature of it (see his Against the Academics).

Third, where it not for studying Plotinus, Augustine informs us that he would not even been able to conceive of a spiritual being, let alone believe in one (see The Confessions).

    2. Conversion of Frank Morrison

This skeptic set out to disprove Christianity by showing the resurrection never occurred. The quest ended with his conversion and a book titled Who Moved the Stone? in which the first chapter was titled "The Book That Refused to be Written"!

    3. Conversion of Simon Greenleaf

At the turn of the century the Professor of Law at Harvard, who wrote the book on legal evidence, was challenged by students to apply the rules of legal evidence to the New Testament to see if its testimony would stand up in court. The result was a book titled The Testimony of the Evangelists in which he reported his own conversion to Christianity.
The Presumptuousness of Atheism
Atheist Anthony Flew has said that the "onus of proof must lie upon the theist." Unless compelling reasons for God’s existence can be given, there is the "presumption of atheism." However, this is not presumption but presumptuousness. To show that an argument is invalid or unsound is not to show that the conclusion of the argument is false.... All the proofs of God’s existence may fail, but it still may be the case that God exists."
Do Extraordinary Events Require Extraordinary Evidence?
 The Christian position only asks that we use the same reasoning and rational thought that we use to derive what are considered good conclusions in historical investigation, and apply those same means and methods to the New Testament and the resurrection of Jesus. 
Conversation With An Atheist
 Answers to three main objections to believing in God: there's not enough evidence; it adds nothing to what we can know from science; and theism is bad for people.
Does God Exist?
A logical, practical, pragmatic proof of the existence of God from a purely scientific perspective. To do this, we are assuming that we exist, that there is reality, and that the matter of which we are made is real. If you do not believe that you exist, you have bigger problems than this study will entail and you will have to look elsewhere.
Anthropic Principles
Scientists are now finding that the universe in which we live is like a diamond studded Rolex, except the universe is even more precisely designed than the watch. In fact, the universe is specifically tweaked to enable life on earth. A Planet with scores of improbable and inter-dependent life, supporting conditions that make it a tiny oasis in a vast and hostile universe. The extent of the universe’s fine-tuning makes the Anthropic Principle perhaps the most powerful argument for the existence of God.
What Are The Odds?
Scientists have learned that only an exceptionally fine-tuned planet like Earth has the necessary ingredients to harbor life. Additionally, our solar system and galaxy, as well as our entire universe, appear designed to support intelligent life. The odds that such fine-tuning could have occurred by chance is not just unlikely, it is virtually impossible. “So far no theory is even close to explaining why physical laws exist, much less why they take the form they do. Standard big bang theory, for example, essentially explains the propitious universe in this way: ‘Well, we got lucky.’
Flat-earth Atheism and the Pledge of Allegiance
 I must admit to being a little perplexed about atheists who protest injustice. It's hard to understand why atheists believes they has any rights to be violated. If Creator God isn't real, then we are all just animals in an accidental universe. What justice do animals know other than the law of the jungle?
 Putting the Atheist on the Defensive
When Christians and atheists engage in debate concerning the question, Does God exist? atheists frequently assert that the entire burden of proof rests on the Christian. This, however, is a false assertion. As Christian philosopher William Lane Craig has stated, when an interrogative such as Does God exist? is debated each side must shoulder the burden of proof and provide support for what they consider to be the correct answer.
Four Killer Questions
Dr. Jeff Myers of Bryan College and Summit Ministries suggests four "killer questions" to help anyone think critically.{1} The first question is, What do you mean by that? In other words, define your terms. The second question is, Where do you get your information? The third is, How do you know that's true?, and the fourth killer question is, What if you're wrong?These four killer questions are powerful to spark meaningful conversation and encourage yourself, and others, to think critically. Use them wisely, be prepared for some interesting conversations
Morality Apart From God God is the creator and sustainer of all things. We would not even be self aware, let alone aware of right and wrong, if God had not created within us His image, and therefore the ability to make moral distinctions. The truth is we have no reference point for all this discussion about morality except as God reveals it. For us to argue with the source of morality is for the clay to argue with the potter.
From Whence Came Morals? Apparently, one example of atheism’s superiority comes from evolutionists’ new explanation for morality, which they describe as “one of the remaining mysteries of life”
Hey Atheists ... Get Your Own Moral Code.
The problem I have, however, with the atheists and their goodness and their morality claims is that all your ethical codes of conduct sound strangely similar to the principles inherent to the Judeo-Christian traditions.

Let's Be Incredibly Gracious
“To know for certain that God exists, you don't have to know everything but you do have to know something - you must either know God personally or you must be aware of some evidence establishing His existence. To be unsure whether or not God exists, you don't have to know everything. In fact, by your own admission you don't know everything. However, to claim to know for certain that God doesn't exist - to positively assert a universal negative - you would have to know everything. To be absolutely certain that God doesn't exist outside the limits of your knowledge, you would have to possess all knowledge.
Let's make this practical. Do you know everything? Do you know half of everything? Do you know 1% of everything? Let's be incredibly gracious and suppose that you know 1% of everything there is to know. Thomas Edison confidently declared, "We do not know a millionth of one percent about anything." Nevertheless, given the supposition that you know 1% of everything, is it possible that evidence proving God's existence exists in the 99% of everything you don't know? If you're honest, you'll have to admit that it's a real possibility. The fact is, since you don't possess all knowledge, you don't know if such evidence exists or not. Thus, you cannot be a "strong" atheist - you don't know that God doesn't exist”.   (All About GOD Ministries, Inc)
A Statistical Monstrosity
“The President of the New York Scientific Society, as recorded in the "Readers' Digest," gave eight reasons why he believed there was a God. The first one was this. Take ten identical coins and mark them one to ten, place them in your pocket, and take one out, there is one chance in ten that you will get number one. Now replace it, and the chances that number two will follow number one are not one in ten, but one in one hundred, and so on, counting ten each time, so that the chances of number ten following number nine are one chance in 10,000,000,000 (ten thousand million). It seemed so unbelievable to me that I immediately took pencil and paper and very quickly discovered he was right. Try it yourself.
That is why George Gallup, the American statistician says: "I could prove God statistically. Take the human body alone - chance that all the functions of the individual would just happen is a statistical monstrosity."
Surely no thoughtful person would wish to base his eternal future on a "statistical monstrosity." Perhaps that is why the Bible says in Psalm 14:1 "The fool hath said in his heart there is no God."  (The Reason Why by R.A. Laidlaw)