Wednesday, October 23, 2013

3 John Part 3

Intro -
Read Verse!
Explain verses 1-10
An exemplar is the ideal, a Christian worthy to be imitated. Is it right for a human being to imitate another human being? Yes, if they turn to imitating Jesus Christ “Be followers of me as I am following Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 11:1 and Brothers, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so you have us for an example Phil 3:17.
The true Christian may be described as both being from God (1 John 4:4- “Little children you are from God and have overcome them, he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” And as having seen God, 1 John 3:6- No one who keeps on sinning has seen him or has known him. WE HAVE SEEN CHRIST, not in the flesh but in the power of the spirit. Knowing Christ will transform you. Birth from God and visions of God are similar in this sense. Faith allows us to see him, and faith effects our behavior.
You can see the spirit of God in certain people, and when I need advice and I get biblical advice I walk away from that person feeling stronger and encouraged. By a good example, we can “consider one another to provoke unto love and good works. Hebrews There is goodness in walking as they walk, following in their footsteps.
It is a special thing to have a person like that in the family. A person who is grounded in truth, who walks in the room and u are happy to see them, when they open their mouths it seasoned with goodness and self control. Speaking the fruits of the spirit, with wit and humor. I am one who believes Jesus had a tremendous sense of humor, filled with joy and peace, a blessing to everyone in his presence. I’m sure the same goes for the disciples as well as the missionaries who accompanied Paul. As they traveled on land in through clear and stormy seas they had memories, humor, and a love for life, finding contentment in all circumstances. Imitate such people.
A. Imitating Demetrius the exemplar
We know nothing of Demetrius except what we are told in this one verse, What if your life took up one verse in the Holy Scriptures? What would be said of you?
This is what was said of Diotrephes- Things not to mimic read v 9-10.
This behavior is the embodiment of evil
A. Demetrius had a good report from other Christians in the church.
Good Reputation-
Phil 2:15 “That you may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.
“It is better to die with a good name than to live with a bad one. –Malay proverb
Proverbs 22:1-“A good name is to be chosen rather than riches
B. Demetrius not only had a good word from the believers but from the truth itself. Like Gaius, Demetrius walked in truth and obeyed the word of God. Either of the men were perfect, but they had consistency, unswerving lives of service and work for the lord.
C. Good testimony from the apostle John himself. All three men, Gaius, Demetrius and John were followers of the love and truth (Jesus Himself) and therefore were worthy to be imitated.
There is much good said between the apostles regarding eachother. Gaius was not an apostle but was a fellow worker for the truth.
We know Demetrius is doing well because of his conduct. He is imitating Christ
2. Consistency
Demetrius was not consistent in complaining, but in Godliness, service and love for the church.
Entering a department store, a little old lady was startled when a band began to play, and a dignified executive pinned an orchid on her dress handing her a crisp 100 dollar bill. She was the store’s millionth costumer, Television cameras recorded, Camera bulbs were flashing. The reporter began interviewing and said, “Tell me what is it that brings you here today, and so many times before.” The lady hesitated, then answered “I’m on my way to the complaint department.”
Consistency in following Jesus and his example
Luke 2:52 “And Jesus increased in wisdom, and in stature and in favor with God and man.
A. Wisdom- Relentless study of the text, day in and day out will cause growth and maturity.
“The Bible was not written to you but for you.”
Understanding the context and the outlines of the books will make the scriptures come alive, slowly reading, verse by verse, not looking for a sentence to speak to you but digesting all of the book.
B. Stature- Remember John told Gaius not to neglect the body as he grows in godliness
C. Favor with God- growing in the spirit and in the depths of God.
You shal love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your might. This is the first and greatest commandment
D. Favor with man-
And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
3. That leads us to Imitating Christ
In following Christ there is a path in which you are to tread in his company, and a path has a starting point and a goal. The starting point is justifying faith in Christ, The goal is eternity in heaven. Between these two lies the Christian life, in which the life of Jesus is our pattern.
John 13:13- “Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me teacher and Lord and you are right for so I am. If then, your Lord and your teacher have washed your feet, you also ought to wash another’s feet. For I have given you an example that you also should do just as I have done to you.
No one can follow Christ until he has been redeemed him in faith.
1 Corinthians 2:14- The natural person does not accept the things of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are not spiritually discerned.
In order to follow Christ and understand the word of God you must believe in him, you must give your life to him.
T.T Martin, the great preacher who was stricken almost to death with food poisoning, early 1900’s, moved to Colorado and had mobbs come to hear him preach. He had these three verses written on his gravestone, which were so close to his ministry, and I think they apply here.
John 3:16- For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
Acts 16:31- And they said “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your household”.
John 5:24- “Truly Truly I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me, has eternal life. He does not come into judgment but has passed from death to life.”
1. So in order to imitate Christ you must first believe on him for salvation. Without faith there is no possibility of following his example.
And from there the Christian life will become over time an imitation of the life of Christ.
2. The grace of God will lead you and you will begin following him.
Matthew 11:30 “Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and I will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light
There is no need to earn salvation, it is a gift of God by his grace through faith.
Like Gaius, John and Demetrius we can say this about there lives as they followed Christ.
“ That flower that follows the sun, it follows even on the cloudiest of days, when the sun does not shine forth, the flower keeps the hidden course and motion of it, so the soul that moves after God, keeps the course when he seems to hide his face, it is content, glad in any conditions or wants.
Final Greetings
Christians are glad to see one another, especially after long periods of absence. And John was making it clear that there are many things to say to Gaius, but face to face is best.
The friends sent their greetings. What a blessing to have Christian friends. Having assurance in Christ will enable you to be a friend maker. Having a strong foundation in Christ will enable you to be yourself more and attract more people to you for spending time and also for biblical advice. If you are a student of the Bible you are a certified councilor, you are fit to serve and to help all types of people from here and around the world.
Diotrephes had fewer and fewer friends but John and Paul were able to make scores of friends by sharing the love of Jesus Christ being confident in him.
John was not concerned with a church only, not even the size of the church but with each individual in that church.
It is appealing to balance the two letters of 2 and 3 John to see the balance of truth presented. 2 John was written to a godly woman about her family, 3 John was written to a godly man about his church. 2 John is about false teachers coming from the outside, 3 John is about proud believers and false teachers found on the inside.
John is Loving the church “Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ.
To claim to love the truth and hate the brothers in the church is ignorance of true faith. When the pastor, the elders or the people become proud the holy spirit is grieved and he cannot bless. The church may outwardly appear successful but inwardly it will lack unity, it will lack the spirit that makes it a true fellowship.
A church is not judged based on its size, but on the changed lives of its people.
Would John see them again? No doubt John had heaven in mind
Hold loosely all things not eternal
V 1-4Truth (Justification),5-8 Service, (Sanctification), 11-15 Face to face (Glorification)
Heavenly-minded people, People with hearts set on eternity. People gather who have Christ in common, face to face. Loved ones, far and near. In a world of holy love, a world where all things are new, a place of friendship.
1 John 3:2 “We shall see him as he is” And perhaps when we see Jesus face to face, after we marvel we may think to ourselves, I wish that I had trusted you more.
1 Cor 2:9 “But as it is written, What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, What God has prepared for those who love him. These things he has revealed to us by through the spirit, For the spirit searches even the depths of God.
The Hebrew greeting, given new meaning by Jesus after the ressurection
“Jesus came and stood among them saying peace be with you. (John 20:19).
Gaius would have needed peace because of the rift in the church Diotrephes was causing.
George Morrison of Glasgow wrote “Peace is the possession of adequate resources. The believer enjoys the peace of God because he has adequate resources in Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7,13. 19. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God which transcends (Surpasses) all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
And in the midst of strife, John was reminding Gaius the peace that he has in the storms. He has Jesus as a resource, the only resource he needs.
We need more people like Gaius and Demetrius and fewer like Diotrephes.
Be Imitators of the good, Imitators in Christ, follow steadily, not for days or even years, but press on press on to glorify God into eternity.

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